I have two children. Two beautiful, beautiful boys, whom I love more than anything else in the world. Like every mother I think they are the smartest and cutest kids ever to walk on this earth. To me, they are nothing but perfect.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was sure I was going to have a girl. I had pink dreams and all the 'girl-signs' in my belly. I even sent a short but clear message upstairs "Please, please let me have a girl. A little princess with curly hair and dimples. Thank You." The joy of my newborn son was overwhelming and I never thought about having a girl. Until I got pregnant again. "Please, please, please, I already have a son. How about a daughter this time ? Forget the curls and dimples, straight hair is just as good." Well, I got a baby with curls and dimples. Two out of three is pretty good, right?

My handsome boys sure keep me busy and teach me something new every day. I can name 17 different species of dinosaurs. I have learned to show (almost) genuine interest towards all insects, critters and worms and call them cute, when needed. The most precious thing I have learned is how to get two kids and myself cleaned up, dressed, fed and out of the door in half an hour. That one I could never do with two daughters.

Last week I met Liz, who has five kids. Yes. Five. Five beautiful, well behaving, polite kids. I was shooting their family portraits and at the end of the session could not help myself asking how does she do it? How do you keep yourself sane, house in order, husband happy and raise five children? She looked at me and smiled. -It's not so difficult at all, she said. -After the third one it's all one big organized chaos. Three or five, it doesn't matter. The secret is to get over little things and enjoy your children.

I have thought about her words a lot. How simple, like most of the great truths in this world. Get over the little things and enjoy your children. Count your blessings. Every day.